Saturday, September 11, 2010

And the weekend is here

And so the weekend is here !!
One wonders how the weekend will pan out ...the sudden cold and chilly wind outside has made me rethink my original plan of action !! Maybe all the rushing around I had planned needs to be substituted with a nice cozy weekend at home and spend time reorganizing my work life and my study - thoughts just keep flying thru my head at the speed of light about how I would like to make the major changes in my life - I get exhausted by the flying thoughts ... the actual challenge comes in putting all these thoughts that fly thru my head at the speed of light into action !! I know however that none of these thoughts will materialize unless i present them to the Father and get HIS blessing not only for my home but for my work life too !!!
So keep following this blog and see what the Father has in store for me and my life ... I dont know the answer to this and I wait in anticipation as much as you do !!!
Many blessings